Task 2- Audience profile (2)
Task 2- Audience profile- Describe your audience?- -My fashion magazine will be themed around the concept of street style fashion hence; I will produce a fashion magazine which will be intended at 16-25 year old. The reason why I have selected to specifically aim at the youth is because, I believe that street style fashion is something is which the youth can adapt and turn into their individual style. My fashion magazine will be specifically aimed at women because, I want to construct an in-depth content featuring clothing styles +tips which could be beneficial and vital for a women to know. If I include men within my fashion magazine, my content might have to be limited in order to fit both genders in, which I don't want to do. The social grading of my magazine will be aimed at the youth with a social grading of B, C1, and C2 as, in my fashion magazine I am going to include content which offers quality clothing alongside makeup. The content which is shown in my magazine will diff...
Some excellent analysis of real magazines here and you've really understood about form and conventions, as well as issues around representation. It is clear how this research helped you with your own ideas for a magazine. I would have liked to also see annotation of contents pages. V