Task 2- Audience profile (2)
Task 2- Audience profile- Describe your audience?- -My fashion magazine will be themed around the concept of street style fashion hence; I will produce a fashion magazine which will be intended at 16-25 year old. The reason why I have selected to specifically aim at the youth is because, I believe that street style fashion is something is which the youth can adapt and turn into their individual style. My fashion magazine will be specifically aimed at women because, I want to construct an in-depth content featuring clothing styles +tips which could be beneficial and vital for a women to know. If I include men within my fashion magazine, my content might have to be limited in order to fit both genders in, which I don't want to do. The social grading of my magazine will be aimed at the youth with a social grading of B, C1, and C2 as, in my fashion magazine I am going to include content which offers quality clothing alongside makeup. The content which is shown in my magazine will diff
A creative and thoughtful media kit for your magazine, considering both the demographics and lifestyle of your target audience. I'm not convinced by the lower social grading. V