Task 1- Persuasive methods

Persuasive methods 

Persuasive methods- Ways to persuade the audience to buy (or otherwise consume) the product. 

Ethos (credibility)- An appeal to show how credible we believe a brand can be. This can be done by, persuading the target audience that the speaker is an expert on the product they are trying to advertise to the audience.

Logos (logic)- Is an appeal where facts and figures are used to support the ad's claim. This type of advertising will talk about the statistics and safety tips of the product, the information found online (primary or secondary) are used as back ups when the brand is trying to endorse their products. 

Pathos (emotion)- The most powerful methods of persuasion in advertising. Pathos is when you are trying to connect to the consumer on an emotional level. Ads who uses pathos will try to create a feeling of longing, satisfaction, or maybe happiness. If the ad is proven to be successful, consumers will develop a sense of loyalty towards the product as it makes them feel good.

Humour- Advertisers intentionally convince people to laugh, so they can associate positive human emotions with a specific product or brand. By making people laugh, it creates a strong emotional link within the product.

Repetition- A specific word or phrase which is constantly repeated so; people are able to remember the advertisement for a long time. Repetition is not the most subtle of techniques, but it can be a very effective power of persuasion.

Reward- A reward which can be physical (something which can be seen or given e.g. money, cars or tickets to a specific holiday destination) or psychological (a reward which makes you feel good mentally from within e.g. losing weight, leading a happy, healthy lifestyle or finding a cure for a particular medication).

Punishment-This is usually done quite faintly, suggesting to an audience that if you do not purchase a specific product you will in some way suffer a loss and face the consequences. 

Bandwagon- A bandwagon is a trend which consumers normally follow; it is a statement suggesting that if everyone is using a specific product, you should use it to. In the ad people are mainly seen enjoying themselves while using the product. This encourages consumers to follow the trend and become like everyone else who has the product.

Experts- Advertisers recruit a paid 'expert' to help promote the product and give a brand more recognition. This can include celebrity endorsement (who are specialised at cooking, maybe...).

Emotional appeal- A person is made to have strong feelings or a sense of gratitude towards a situation or a product.

Testimonial- It is a method where ordinary ‘impartial’ individuals are interviewed about a particular product rather than enlisting a high paid celebrities to give their opinion on a particular product. Testimonials can be effective as, the reviews are written by the consumers. They keep the consumer’s opinions in mind at all times.


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