Stuart Hall (media audience and representation)
Stuart Hall (media audience and representation)- Reception theory- Since the 1980's, a group of theory emerged around reception. This focuses on the condition in which audiences 'read' media texts, and how this contrasts with the intended meaning of the producer of the text. Stuart Hall (1980)- Came up with the encoding and decoding model. Encoding- media put in -The intended message from The Sun newspaper Decoding- meaning taken out e.g. the audience interpretation -For example, an encoded ideology in many news broadcasts, is the representation of refugees as swarms of invaders, coming to 'our' country to steal jobs / benefits / housing. This contributes to and reinforces existing prejudices around 'the Other'. -Other ideologies might include those around consumption and the ideology that consuming (buying) material goods increases one's happiness. These ideologies reflect and reinforce existing dominant ideologies within society. ...